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Thankful For My 44 Pound Weight Loss

From eDiets - The online diet, fitness, and healthy living resource

Reunions can be harrowing events, but for Sally Kinane meeting up with old friends was just the weight loss motivation she needed to get reacquainted with good health.

Sally Lost 44 Pounds It had been decades since the 62-year-old California woman had seen a healthy weight. When she attended her family reunion the summer of 2001, Sally was miserable at a whopping 175 pounds. Compared to everyone else, she felt fat. It was a feeling that Sally vowed to lose, along with the extra weight she had been carrying since she was in her thirties. After all, she was someone who had once been so thin, doctors prescribed her supplements.

Well, that skinny mini was gone… but not forgotten.

“I came back from the reunion determined to lose weight,” she tells eDiets. “We have a reunion every three years and I decided I was not going to be overweight for the next reunion.”

Sally Overweight She joined eDiets in August 2001. Today, Sally is reunited with a healthy weight and it feels so good. Since becoming a member, she has shed 44 pounds from her 54 figure, making the life-changing transition to a slim and trim 131 pounds. Unlike most dieters, the librarians assistant hadnt tried every fad diet in the book. In fact, the only thing she had attempted in the past was cutting calories and watching her portions.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t enough for Sally. She was constantly struggling to figure out what foods to eat or how many calories to consume. If it wasn’t one headache, it was another. She didn’t have time for the pains. What Sally needed was a full-service station that would fulfill her every need, from meal plans to shopping lists to recipes.

She found just what she was looking for at eDiets. With just one click, Sally had the weight loss world at her fingertips… 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. By following the meal plan, she was able to attack her primary problem head on and get a handle on portion control.

“I didn’t eat when I got stressed or gorge between meals. But I did love to eat my meals and that meant seconds, big helpings and often desserts.”

For the mother-of-three-grown-daughters, eDiets was love at first bite.

I loved the recipes. They were fantastic. Before when I tried to diet, it was always bland food and stuff that was kind of down to the basics. The variety of foods at eDiets really helped.

Once she started following the eDiets plan, the weight immediately began to melt away. The next step in her journey to wellness would prove to be the most difficult. With no cartilage in one knee, just walking two blocks was a painful endeavor. Her doctor believed knee surgery was inevitable. Yet Sally still put her best foot forward and began exercising on a regular basis.

She started by walking a half mile and eventually worked her way up. (The other day she made it three miles without a hitch.) Not only would she ride the stationary bicycle, she also did weight training. The benefits paid off in spades. In addition to consistent weight loss, her knee pain subsided to the point that surgery was postponed indefinitely. No matter how busy her schedule gets, Sally is sure to get at least 30 minutes of walking every day.

The more weight that came off, the more determined Sally became. She soon discovered her motivation was contagious. Seeing Sally shrink inspired her sister and brother-in-law to join the leading online weight loss program. Now, they’re also losing weight.

Sally’s family aren’t the only ones following her lead in weight loss. She has encouraged her fellow employees at the library to get moving, and they have. They also walk throughout the day.

Sally says she’s simply returning the favor. Throughout her tenure at eDiets, she always received support from her kind-hearted co-workers. Having the encouragement of friends and family played a major role in keeping her on track. As she took off those extra pounds, Sally was constantly on the receiving end of kind words, something that kept her going every step of the way.

I love seeing people I havent seen for a long time. They see me and they say, Wow! You look great.

The eDieter extraordinaire says she’s constantly barraged with questions on how she lost 44 pounds over the last year. Sally is always quick to plug eDiets, which she says is responsible for her drastic transformation. By losing those extra pounds, she gained plenty of self-confidence.

“It’s funny. I was overweight, but I didn’t look super fat or anything. Yet I was always thinking that people were looking at me thinking how fat I was when they probably didn’t at all. I always felt fat. But now I feel great and I’m happy.”

With her new healthy eating plan in place and those extra pounds a thing of the past, Sally says she’ll be greeting upcoming reunions with open arms. After all, that’s just what got her on the light track after all these years.

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