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Top 10 Tips For Fitness Beginners

From eDiets - The online diet, fitness, and healthy living resource

Here's to the beginner; the person who has suddenly realized that they simply can't continue being overweight, tired and listless with muscles that resemble a bowl of jello.

You want to begin eating right and exercising, but you have absolutely no idea where to begin? You’re sort of scared. Possibly you’ve never even set foot in a health club, and would almost rather not pursue this endeavor because it just seems so daunting. But, you know you must!

I've always taken great pleasure in training the man or woman who walks into the gym for the first time. I’ve always viewed it as a courageous, intelligent act of taking responsibility for one’s own health. I enjoy training beginners, because they get to learn things correctly from the start as opposed to re-learning ineffective habits they picked up from an infomercial.

Here are my top 10 tips for the beginner:

1. DON'T WORRY ABOUT FEAR -- Understand that its OK to feel somewhat unsure of yourself prior to starting an exercise program. The psychological aspect is the first thing to accept. There will be a lot to learn concerning weight training, cardiovascular exercise and nutrition. However, recognize that as you begin the process, you will continually learn, get more comfortable and, most importantly, make progress.

2. DECIDE -- In most articles this point is referred to as goal setting. However, I prefer "DECIDE," because I see too many people fail with goal setting. I realize its a play on words, but it seems to work. Youll need to write down and DECIDE what you want to accomplish.

For example, you may decide you want to lose 30 pounds and gain five pounds of muscle. Maybe you’ll decide you want to be able to walk five miles without losing your breath, or possibly fit into that size 8 dress or 31" inch waist pants. Write it down and make it quantifiable. Just saying, "I want to get in shape and lose weight" is not quantifiable. There’s no target!

3. GET A CHECKUP -- It's wise to have a physical. It will help assure that you attain the most benefits with the least amount of risks. If you smoke, have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes or are overweight its doubly important. Remember, this is about starting right!

4. YOU NEED STRUCTURE -- You will need guidance! Thats where eFitness comes into play. Our site is marvelous for beginners. When registering, you're asked to input your goals, current activity level, health history and several other measurements. We then provide a workout and nutrition program that matches your goal and current fitness level.

You receive complete exercise descriptions and 3D animations. I know what you’re thinking, “Yes, but how do I know if I’m really doing things correctly?” Don’t worry! If you ever have a question related to your program, we have a team of personal trainers and dieticians ready to assist you! You will not be left alone!

5. GET REAL! -- Take a close look at your schedule and be realistic concerning how many days and how much time you can realistically devote to exercise. This is going to be long-term, so it has to be based on reality.

Too many people start working out every day and think that’s the best approach. Wrong! Maybe you only have two or three days to devote to exercise and for only 45 minutes at a time. It’s the combination of efficient nutrition and exercise that will yield the greatest benefit, not simply excessive exercise. That’s a sure way to burn out.

6. EDUCATE YOURSELF -- Youll need to develop an understanding of concepts such as repetitions, sets, cardio etc. Again, we can help! When you get to the eFitness site, just click on the following sequence: Programs, Boards, Toolbox and then Fitness Glossary. Youll be lead to a glossary of fitness terminology that will help get you started in the right direction. This will give you a good overall understanding of many fitness terms you may have heard in the past.

7. EAT -- Begin to get an understanding of how food affects the body. Im not asking you to become a nutrition guru. Simply try to understand, for example, what happens to your body when you have a big bowl of pasta compared to a smaller amount of pasta combined with chicken and a small Cesar salad.

Become familiar with the affect elevated blood sugar has on storing fat. You can receive additional education on this subject matter when you join. Just email one of our dieticians or access one of the great support boards available to members. The best part? When you join eFitness, well customize your nutrition based on your food preferences! Its based on reality.

8. MOVE -- No, not geographically! Start to workout... start to move! Your weight training wont take a lot of time as a beginner, nor will your cardiovascular exercise. Youll focus on form, technique, precision and breathing correctly during your workout.

You’ll find the site all encompassing and able to answer many of your questions. Not sure about a specific weight training movement? Just access my Strength Corner support board and Ill answer your question. I wont stop providing information until you are clear!

Need to know fact versus fiction? Just access Kelli Calabrese’s Ask The Expert or Phil Kaplans Fitness Truth support boards and get quick responses to your questions!. We're here for you!

9. BEWARE OF THE MAGIC POTIONS -- Don't get hooked into supplements that magically reduce body fat or infomercials that sell ineffective products to get your abs flat. Remember, these companies are just in it for a quick buck and most dont provide all the information you require to make a wise decision. They prey on emotion and impulse buying. Stay far away!

10. COST EVALUATION -- Its important to get the most effective nutrition and workout plan for your needs. In business its called cost versus benefit, but I like to call it "What the heck do I get for my money?!" Its also important to get ongoing education that doesnt require this to be a full-time endeavor. You need quick and timely information that wont break the bank. eFitness is a fraction of the cost of hiring a trainer at a health club.

I hope these 10 tips have helped. If you knew first hand the fantastic resources we have here, you wouldn’t think twice about joining. Commit to starting your fitness program and reap the benefits of less fat, more lean muscle and tons of energy.

A competitive bodybuilder and former 2001 Mr. Connecticut, Raphael is a veteran of the health and fitness industry who specializes in a holistic approach to body transformation, nutrition programs and personal training.

He earned his B.A. in Communications from Southern Connecticut State University and is certified as a personal trainer with ACE and APEX. In addition, he successfully completed the RTS1 program based on biomechanics.

The goal of BODi is to provide you with solutions to reach your health and fitness goals.
Click here to learn more about BODi Coach Rich Dafter.

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