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Sexy Shoulders - 3 Simple Exercises

From eDiets - The online diet, fitness, and healthy living resource

When you think of a fit and firm figure, the last body part that comes to mind may very well be your shoulders. According to 50-something fitness phenom Joyce Vedral, most out-of-shape women and men strive for fab abs, a buff butt and terrific thighs, but shrug off upper body improvements. Vedral says its sleek, sexy shoulders that give us the athletic appearance that'll leave friends, family and acquaintances wondering, “How did you get in such great shape?”

“Unless it’s on an organized plan, most people don’t work the shoulders,” Vedral tells eDiets. “Most people don’t think the shoulders are important at all. They’re thinking about the hips, butt, abs and... once in a while, triceps. They don’t think about the shoulders, yet the shoulders are what gives the body beautiful shape. They are the first things people see when you have on a sleeveless dress.

“If you have sculpted shoulders, you’ll look like you’re in shape even if your lower body is fat.”

Over the years, Vedral has developed tried-and-true techniques for sculpting sexy shoulders. She's here to share her workout wisdom from her Non-Stop video with readers everywhere. Vedral, who believe it or not is fast approaching 60, is president of an exercise empire that includes more than 14 fitness books and 20 videos. More importantly, shes also a client.

Vedral practices what she preaches -- her sexy body is the proof. The 59-year-old fitness fanatic barely looks a day over 45. Her fountain of youth is fitness... fitness... and more fitness.

It isn’t simply the eye-pleasing aesthetics that count.

“It may come as a surprise to you, but well-sculpted shoulders pull the eye up and away from a world of other faults -- such as big thighs, wide hips or that bulging belly," Vedral notes. "The shoulders add that finished look to the symmetry of the body.

“An additional bonus to exercising your shoulders is practical strength for daily life tasks such as lifting, opening heavy doors, carrying items and so on. The good news is the shoulders respond more quickly to even a small amount of exercise than do most other body parts.”

Those aren’t the only reasons you should be focusing on your upper body. Vedral says putting "mini muscles" under the skin boosts your metabolism. A fine-tuned body will burn calories and fat even while you sleep!

Ready to get started on sexier shoulders today? Employ these three exercises and Vedral says you’ll begin to see results in weeks.

NOTE: Using your lightest weight, do 12 reps of each exercise without resting. Once you have completed the superset, rest 15 seconds, then move on to the middle weight. Perform 10 reps of each exercise without resting. When you have completed all three exercises, rest 15 seconds. Finally, do 8 reps of each exercise using your heaviest weight.

Alternate Front Raise
Alternate Front Raise Works the front shoulder muscles.
Stand with your feet a natural width apart. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing your body, and extend your arms straight down in front of you (so that the dumbbells are touching the center of your upper thighs). Flexing your shoulder muscles, lock your elbows and extend one arm upward until it is parallel to the floor. As you begin returning your arm to its start position, raise your other arm until it is parallel to the floor. Continue to work in this manner until you have completed your set.

Seated Bent Lateral
Seated Bent Lateral Works the rear and side shoulder muscles.
Sit at the edge of a flat exercise bench, holding a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing each other. Bend over until your upper body is parallel to the floor (your chest should be resting upon your thigh muscles). Extend your arms straight down and touch the dumbbells together under your thighs. Flexing your shoulder muscles and keeping your upper body down, extend your arms outward until they are nearly parallel to the floor (your elbows will be slightly bent in this position). Return to the start and repeat the movement until you have completed your set.

Pee Wee Lateral
Pee Wee Lateral Works the rear and side shoulder muscles.
Stand with your feet together. Rise up on the toes of one foot. Grip a dumbbell in each hand and place your arms behind your back, palms facing away from your body. The end of the dumbbells should be touching each other. Bend at the knees and thrust your hips forward. Flexing your shoulder muscles as you work, extend your arms outward and upward until the ends of the dumbbell reach ear height and are at arms length on either side. Return to start position and repeat the movement until you have completed your set.

For additional exercise combinations and more info on shaping your entire body, visit To order a video set of Non-Stop simply click here.

EDITOR'S NOTE: When it comes to exercise, there are many viewpoints and beliefs. eDiets has its very own fitness program. However, from time to time, we highlight programs and exercises developed by Joyce Vedral and other well-known fitness pros. It is possible you will see contradictions from one story to another.

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