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Test Your Movie Theater Cuisine IQ!

By Monica Nuez
From Team Beachbody - Click here for resources, tools and information to help you to reach your health, fitness and positive lifestyle goals!

PopcornIf you're like most people (sadly), you may have indulged a bit in movie theater cuisine (okay, maybe not "cuisine" so much as "nicely packaged gut bombs"). Buttered popcorn, nachos, pizza . . . You can do some serious damage before you've even traveled back to 1986 in a hot tub or seen some serious Titan clashing. These calorie counts can be even more entertaining - or scarier, really - than anything on the screen. Each treat shows its calorie count, ranking from highest to lowest calorie count.

  1. Reese's Pieces® (8 ounces) - 1,200 calories. Other interesting nutritional information: 57.2 grams total fat (45.7 grams saturated fat); 486 milligrams of sodium; 148.6 grams of carbs (5.7 grams of dietary fiber and 137.2 grams of sugar); 28.6 grams of protein; and 114.3 milligrams of calcium.
  2. Medium Buttered Popcorn (11 cups) - 900 calories. Other interesting nutritional information: 50 grams total fat (30 grams saturated fat) and 87 grams of carbs (15 grams of dietary fiber).
  3. Skittles® (6.75 ounces) - 776 calories. Other interesting nutritional information: 7.8 grams total fat (all saturated fat); 31 milligrams of sodium; 174.2 grams of carbs (146.2 grams of sugar); and 46.7 milligrams of calcium.
  4. Peanut M&M's® (5.3 ounces) - 762 calories. Other interesting nutritional information: 39.6 grams total fat (15.2 grams saturated fat); 15 milligrams of cholesterol; 91.5 grams of carbs (6.1 grams dietary fiber and 76.2 grams of sugar); 15.2 grams of protein; and 121.9 milligrams of calcium.
  5. Large Minute Maid® Lemonade (44 ounces) - 605 calories. Other interesting nutritional information: 82 milligrams of sodium; 148.5 grams of carbs (132 grams of sugar); 11 grams of protein; 110 milligrams of calcium; and 2,474.6 milligrams of potassium.
The goal of BODi is to provide you with solutions to reach your health and fitness goals.
Click here to learn more about BODi Coach Rich Dafter.

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