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I've Lost 36 Pounds Weight Loss Success Story

From eDiets - The online diet, fitness, and healthy living resource

Kimberlee Overweight

More energy... a slimmer waistline... fewer pounds... healthier eating habits...

Kimberlee Armstrong is getting in the joyous spirit of the holidays by making a list of her great dieting accomplishments and checking it twice! Since joining eDiets last April, the determined dieter has achieved all of the above while undergoing the transformation from a stocky 170 to a slender 134 pounds.

Dropping 36 pounds from her 5’6" frame has given Kimberlee plenty to cheer about this holiday. So in the spirit of the season the 33-year-old accountant is playing Santa and generously sharing her inspirational tale of weight loss triumph.

Kimberlee Lost 36 Pounds It all began with a simple photograph that captured just how much weight she had gained over the years. Having been thin most of her life, Kimberlee didnt recognize herself. Then, the other shoe dropped.

After a trip to his doctor, Kimberlee's boyfriend Rob learned that he was plagued by both high cholesterol and high blood pressure. The couple quickly realized it was time to take care of business and eliminate the bad habits that were ruining their health.

Their major downfall was poor planning. Because of busy schedules, Kimberlee and her beau often found themselves throwing together ill-planned meals or dining out on oversized portions of high-calorie cuisine. Either way, the end result was hardly a well-balanced meal. What the foods lacked in nutritional value, they made up for in fat and calories. But the fact of the matter was Kimberlee didn’t know what to cook.

So she called in the cavalry and turned to eDiets for proper dining and fitness guidance. What she needed was a well-rounded program that would do the thinking for her. eDiets proved to be the ultimate no-brainer.

“You don’t even have to think,” raves Kimberlee, who’s known as KBERLEEARM around the eDiets community. “You get this menu so you know what you have to buy. You know what you need. You come home at night and the menus are quick and simple. It takes about 10 to 15 minutes to cook the meals. They’re delicious and healthy. Then suddenly you start losing weight.

“Everything is very simple.”

Kimberlee doesn’t take any chances. She follows the meal plan to the letter, eating only what’s on her personalized menu. It’s a ritual that helps her avoid those tempting treats that run rampant at the office during the holiday season. She's found it's just as crucial while maintaining a healthy weight.

Throughout her journey, Kimberlee’s will never waned, something she attributes to the constant support she received both online and offline. Having her boyfriend on the plan helped in the sense that she didn’t have to watch longingly while he ate something different. Instead, they made getting healthy a team effort.

“It’s very hard to try and eat healthy when your partner is grabbing a burger and fries," she tells eDiets. "It’s nice having someone else make the same commitment at the same time. We made a competition of it.” The healthy competition paid off handsomely for Rob who reckons he's dropped around 35 pounds!

But Rob wasn’t Kimberlee’s only supporter. She also had her fellow eDieters cheering her on to the finish line. As an active participant on the Motivation Station’s “What I Did Right” support board thread, she bonded with a group of like-minded eDieters, who had undertaken the same goals to get healthy.

The constant companionship kept Kimberlee from ever feeling alone. No matter what she was struggling with, there was someone there to dole out tried-and-true secrets for success. Checking in with other eDieters also gave her the incentive to exercise on those days she lacked motivation.

When it came to fitness, Kimberlee’s plate was full. From the get-go she made the commitment to get physically fit, especially since her drive had always faltered in the past. She started with just 10 minutes on the elliptical machine and worked her way up from there.

Today, the apartment gym is a second home to the exercise enthusiast. She does her cardio workout three to four days a week, and her weight lifting regimen two to three days a week. Some days she does the elliptical machine for 45 minutes. Other days she runs several miles. Regardless of her regimen, the end result is still the same: more energy and more restful sleep.

Between healthy eating and exercise, the extra weight has melted off Kimberlee, who admits she now has trouble finding smaller sizes.

Im a size 4 now and its been somewhat challenging, not that Im complaining," she says. "Its actually fun being a small size because you can buy almost any style and youre not limited by, does this look good on me? or is it flattering? or can I find it in my size?

Of course, the answer to all of the above is yes... yes... and yes! Today, Kimberlee looks and feels better than she has in years, thanks to her will and the eDiets way. Looking back, Kimberlee says she'd probably be even heavier if she hadnt linked up with the world's leading online weight loss program. Its a thought that scares her.

“You’ve only got one body. Your health has to be the most important thing. Once it’s gone, it’s gone. You don’t get it back.”

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