Foods Runners Can UseBy
Beth Moxey Eck - from
Runner's World
In those early Popeye comics, you'll recall how
our sailor-man hero would always inhale a can of spinach every time he found
himself in a jam--which usually consisted of being pummeled by Brutus. After
downing the green stuff, Popeye's muscles would bulge, and he'd pop Brutus
right in the kisser, sending him flying through the air. Spinach was the
original "quick fix" but may not always be the best choice in every
Runners get in jams, too. Long runs loom. Workouts don't go
well. Races leave you depleted. Well, it turns out there are quick-fix foods
for these situations as well--and others besides. For this story, we looked at
10 common scenarios that runners face while training and racing, then found
ways to literally eat to win. And each fix is backed up by the latest
scientific research.
We also found 10 more foods to help you in
difficult life situations, such as when you're feeling low, or you can't sleep,
or you become forgetful. All told, 20 easy-to-prepare foods that'll make you
leaner, meaner, and more energized. And they all taste better than spinach.
1. Before a short run or race The food: Coffee The
Benefit: A study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine reported
that runners who drank 11/2 cups of coffee (containing about 3 grams of
caffeine) prior to running 1500 meters ran faster times and had higher max VO2
levels than those who didn't drink any coffee. In addition, related studies
have suggested that the antioxidants in coffee can help cut the risk of
developing both Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. Just keep in mind that
coffee's energizing effect is that of a stimulant; it doesn't provide true
energy calories.
2. The week of your race taper The Food:
Oranges The Benefit: Stay healthy during this crucial week by sucking down
an orange a day--each one packs 75 milligrams of vitamin C. For even better
reinforcement, eat organic oranges, which according to research from the
American Chemical Society, may contain as much as 30 percent more vitamin C
than conventionally grown oranges.
3. Before a long run The
Food: Peanut butter The Benefit: Peanut butter is super-high in vitamin E,
the most potent antioxidant vitamin in foods. For prerace energy, spread 2
tablespoons of peanut butter on half a bagel, and eat it 2 hours before race
time. The good fats (monounsaturated) in peanut butter will "stick to your
ribs" and help you feel full. Plus, you'll be energized with slow-release
carbohydrates. Bonus: Recent data from the Nurse's Health Study indicates that
peanut butter and nuts can help reduce the risk of Type-2 diabetes in women.
4. After a short race The Food: Cottage cheese The
Benefit: Cottage cheese is full of protein for muscle repair, and it's a good
calcium source as well, making it the perfect postrun treat (eat 1/2 cup to 1
cup). It also contains linoleic acid, which boosts memory and protects against
cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. Bonus: Adding 1 cup of fresh blueberries
will give you 19 grams of carbohydrate for recovery fuel. Or, to help with
rehydration, mix in cantaloupe or honeydew, both of which are 90-percent water.
5. The night before a marathon The Food: Pasta plus a side
salad The Benefit: Stick with one serving of traditional pasta to
carbo-load your muscles, but have it with meat sauce and include a high-protein
salad as well. Mix greens with vegetables, chickpeas, cheese, diced ham, or
soynuts for a healthy, protein-rich side dish that will keep you satiated
through the night so you're not ravenous on race morning.
6. After a
strength-training session The Food: Tuna fish The Benefit: Research
has shown that runners need about 50 to 70 percent more protein than the
average couch potato, which means you should eat 75 to 100 grams a day,
depending on your body size and mileage. This is especially important if you're
strength training, as lifting weights increases your protein needs even more.
Eating just 3 ounces of white tuna fish will supply you with about 20 grams of
7. During a long race The Food: Honey The
Benefit: An excellent source of carbohydrate, honey has been shown to
effectively keep blood glucose levels high for optimal endurance. Three studies
done at the University of Memphis Exercise and Sport Nutrition Lab report that
honey is just as good as energy gels when eaten before and during a workout.
One of the studies showed that cyclists who ate 15 grams of honey before a
40-mile race and every 10 miles during the race increased their power and
8. The first meal after a marathon The Food:
Clams over whole-wheat pasta The Benefit: A 3-ounce serving of clams
contains 24 milligrams of iron and zinc, while 1 cup of cooked whole-wheat
macaroni packs 37 grams of carbohydrates. Since your immune system is weakened
after a marathon, the zinc in clams can help boost your immunity, which will
lower your risk of getting a cold or the flu. The zinc will also repair muscle
tissue damage that occurred during the race, and the pasta will restock your
carbohydrate stores.
9. The week after a marathon The Food:
Meat stir-fry The Benefit: To refortify your depleted immune system the
week after the big race, you need vitamin C. And you'll get this by eating
plenty of vegetables such as green and red peppers, cauliflower, and broccoli.
For an added bonus, eat green, leafy vegetables to boost folate levels, which
will help decrease cancer risk. Adding meat rebuilds muscle tissue.
10. When You have a joint injury The Food: Glucosamine and
gelatin The Benefit: According to several studies, supplemental
glucosamine--about 1,500 milligrams daily--helps soothe joint pain, possibly by
stimulating cartilage growth. Most recently, a study from Harvard has shown
osteoarthritis improvements with gelatin-based products. Yes, there's always
room for Jell-O.
Special thanks to Kristine Clark, Ph.D., R.D.,
director of sports nutrition at Penn State University, for her assistance with
this article.
And now for the rest of your
life Because eating well can improve more than just your running,
here are 10 more research-proven foods to make you happier and healthier.
1. The sleep enhancer: Turkey You sleep better after eating
turkey because it contains tryptophan, an amino acid that is the building block
for serotonin, a neurotransmitter that promotes a sense of calmness and
drowsiness. So the next time you have trouble sleeping, try a turkey sandwich.
2. The Memory Booster: Blueberries Preliminary studies on
blueberries suggest they may help prevent mental decline as we age. Florida
researchers recently found that blueberries reduced age-related brain damage in
rats. These findings, along with preliminary results from a human study,
suggest that 1 cup of blueberries a day may be the secret to preventing
3. The Pregnancy Helper: Enriched Breads (Folic
Acid) Folic acid may help guard against gestational hypertension,
cervical cancer, and the risk of neural-tube defects in fetuses. It's important
for women to get the proper amount of folic acid (Daily Value for women is 400
micrograms, the amount in most daily vitamins) before becoming pregnant. Folic
acid has been added to some foods, such as enriched breads, pastas, rice, and
cereals, but can also be found in supplement form.
4. The Sex-Drive
Booster (Men): Oysters Oysters are one of the most concentrated food
sources of zinc--a nutrient that is key in the production of testosterone. In
fact, six raw oysters contain 76 milligrams of zinc. Eat 'em over pasta or on
the half-shell.
5. The Mood Lifter: Chocolate According to a
recent issue of the American Journal of Psychiatry, chocolate can be an
antidepressant. The carbs and fats in chocolate flood the brain with feel-good
endorphins and hormones. They also release peptides in the brain that have an
antidepressant effect. Plus, another compound in chocolate, called
phenylethylamine (PEA), has been shown to boost mood in depressed people.
6. The Breast-Cancer Fighter: Eggs A preliminary study
published in Breast Cancer Research reported that teen girls who ate at least
one egg a day reduced their risk of eventually getting breast cancer by 18
percent. Other nutrients associated with a reduction in breast-cancer risk were
fiber and vegetable fats.
7. The Heart Protector: Cranberry
Juice A study presented at the recent American Chemical Society meeting
reported that drinking three glasses of antioxidant-rich cranberry juice a day
significantly raises levels of "good cholesterol" (HDL) and may help reduce
certain risk factors for heart disease.
8. The Prostate-Cancer
Fighter: Tomatoes Tomatoes are loaded with lycopene, an antioxidant
that helps fight prostate cancer as well as heart disease. Aim for seven to 10
servings of tomato-based products each week. One tomato serving is equal to
about 1/2 cup spaghetti sauce, one medium tomato, or one slice of pizza with
9. The Prostate-Cancer fighter (Part 2): Watermelon A
recent article published in the Journal of Nutrition reported that watermelon
has even more lycopene than tomatoes. Bonus: Watermelon is also 92 percent
water--making it a great choice for when you need to rehydrate after a run. Use
it in fruit salsas or salads.
10. The Cholesterol Reducer:
Oatmeal Various studies on oatmeal have proven that the breakfast
favorite can help reduce the risk of heart disease. One particular study
published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that a daily
serving of oat bran significantly reduced total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol
in healthy men and women. --B.M.E. |