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worked: Upper and Middle Abdominals
Lie flat on your back with your
knees bent and your feet together flat on the floor and about 10-15 inches from
your buttocks.
Your hands should either be crossed
on your chest, by your side, or cupped behind your ears.
Without moving your lower body,
curl your upper torso up and in toward your knees, until your shoulder blades
are as high off the ground as you can get them. Only your shoulder blades
should lift--not your lower back.
As you come to the highest point
tighten and flex your abdominals for a brief second.
Slowly lower yourself back to the
starting position.
Don't jerk yourself up to achieve
the exercise. Slowly bring yourself up using your abdominals only.
Don't let your lower back raise off
the floor. Go as far up as you feel your abdominals become tight and hold for a
brief second.
Don't move quickly. You must do
this exercise very slowly and resist on the way back.