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Beachbody Motivational Tips

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A while back, we shouted out to our online membership to let us know what keeps them motivated. The response was overwhelming. All we can say is that you guys are one pumped-up bunch!

It took a lot of deliberation to whittle the list down to 10, but we finally did it. Well, actually, we have 10 tips here and one extra for what could be the most off-the-wall motivational tip since Roman Emperor Commodus suggested chucking a couple of hungry lions into the ring to keep his gladiators working hard.

Thanks everyone. Keep in mind this list is in no particular order. They're all great!

JNMan suggests you make yourself a 10-minute deal: "On the days I don't feel like working out, I make a deal with myself. I have to work out for 10 minutes. That is it. If, after 10 minutes, I still do not feel like working out, then I can quit. It works like a charm. I have never quit after doing just 10 minutes."

DivaM opts for a visual aid—a really bad (fat) photo of yourself: "I keep it in my purse so that when I am sitting in a restaurant and the waiter asks if I want dessert, I just sneak a peek at that pic and say 'No thank you!' Either that or I lose my appetite the same effect."

Nlf19 keeps a much nicer photo: "On days that are hard for me to keep going or or when I want to eat something unhealthy, I look at the adorable picture of my son in my workout area. It helps me remember how badly I want to be there for every precious moment of his life. Exercise and healthy eating give me the peace of mind that I am doing everything in my power to be there for him."

Smeadocs keeps track of how people are noticing positive changes: "Whenever a friend, co-worker, or family member gives me a compliment about how I look, I write it down and look back at it from time to time. I feel like I have accomplished something when someone else notices. Sometimes you can be your worst critic, and for someone to take that time to let you know how good you're looking means a lot."

Tamfish gets those people to change with her: "I've made deals and pacts with my friends here at Beachbody. We meet in WOWY and keep each other accountable. How can I promise them I will meet for a workout, then NOT? How can I make a deal that I will work out 6 days a week, then NOT?"

Busymommom gets organized: "I'm not a naturally organized person, but knowing what I'm going to eat and when, having my workout clothes ready, and having my workout schedule written down have been a tremendous help in keeping me motivated. If I'm struggling with the decision to exercise or not, having those things in place gives me fewer excuses."

Partyof5 shows us the money: "I put $1 away every time I work out. I am saving for something for ME!"

Leah:) carts off the old clothes: "One thing I did too was get rid of all my clothes that were too big. That way I don't have anything to wear if I start slacking."

KaytieKelly slides into some new clothes: "Buy yourself some pretty Victoria's Secret bras and panties (girls) and try them on every morning! Like nothing else you wear, underwear sits and fits on your body totally differently as you begin to shape up! A huge motivator for me! As I keep up the Yoga Booty Ballet, my new Victoria's Secret purchases are fitting so much better, and looking way sexier than they did even a few weeks ago! Watch the elastic bands sit comfortably on your hips, with no pinching, no bulges, no rolls!!!!! Just fabric on skin!"

And Sooze doesn't bother with clothes at all: "Being naked is being vulnerable. There are no clothes to hide things and keep things tucked in. If I can feel comfortable being naked and not feel embarrassed by the way that I look and how things are no longer jiggling, then I am happy and confident and that keeps me pushing play."

And finally, Windowwashgirl raises 10 to 11 with this kooky suggestion:

Flubber: "I keep a five-gallon jar of flubber (like a slime substance) that equals the amount I have lost to date (68 lbs.), and I have a smaller jar of the 32 lbs. of slime left to lose. The jars used to be switched; the big one started out with 100 lbs. of flubber, and I started with a small jar to put losses in. I set small goals and made huge strides in getting there. I am nearing the end, and as my weight loss slows, I remind myself I am way into the OLD fat that is harder to remove. Anytime I think I can eat 'whatever I want' for one day, I try to do the first workout video I ever did, holding the bigger jar."
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