Team TOPSTONE Challenge To Change
Changing Lives To Achieve True Freedom

Self Worth and Net Worth

One of the most extraordinary benefits of being a Team Beachbody Coach lately is the addition of a complete online SUCCESS magazine to our coach websites. That and the fact that I got a new smartphone at upgrade time and I have immersed myself in personal development while I am doing my runs or workout. Headphones are a wonderful thing!

This morning I listened to personal trainer Joel Harper being interviewed by Darren Hardy, the CEO of SUCCESS. One of the points that Joel Harper made was that, "people don't think that they deserve to be in incredible shape" even though they may feel that they deserve to be wealthy. He goes on to talk about spreading the "deserve" concept into the fitness and health area of their lives. Darren Hardy says that at SUCCESS magazine they call that the "set point" and that "you will never have a net worth that exceeds your self worth." In effect your self image determines your success in every area of your life.

The interview is really good and if you would like to listen to it, you can click on this link. If not, then I have included a workout that Joel Harper does with Dr. Oz where he goes over a few of the other points that he makes in the interview. Just click on the image below.

Dr. Oz's Seven Minute Workout with Joel Harper

Can you be addicted to Facebook Groups?

Thankfully, I've never been addicted to anything in my life, but you might be able to make a case for Facebook groups. I currently have 8 groups and I post in 9 or 10 groups total. I see it as a way to inspire, motivate, instantly answer people's questions and to share my experiences, knowledge and opinions with my friends - not to mention the great bonds and deeper friendships that I have made with so many great people. I would love for you to be a part of one or more of them so that you can experience the benefits yourself firsthand. I am listing some of them below (the others are coach business and support groups and they are only open to coaches).

  • Team TOPSTONE is an all Team Beachbody member group where we share information and articles and things of general interest to the group. Every Team Beachbody member of mine should already be a member and if you are not, then I need to add you.
  • Born To Run is my running group. You can't be a runner for over 45 years and not have a running group or be in a running group, so I started one awhile back and I would love to have more members.
  • Ultimate Reset Challenge To Change is my newest group and I just started it on Wednesday. It is where I chronicale day by day the 21 day program and my progress. It will also be a great resource for the future as more and more people do the Reset. I also answer lots of questions in that group.
  • Shakeology Cafe is a place where we exchange recipes, ideas and how drinking Shakeology has benefitted us. It is also the place where I was dared to try avocado in my Tropical Shakeology and found out that it tasted totally awesome!
  • My very favorite group is my Challenge To Change 2012 group and that is a secret group. It started out just like any other group but it has become a group of people that is so supportive and so inspiring to each other that I am very protective of the chemistry. You are more than welcome to be in it if you have a need for support and a willingness to give support. Just email me and I will add you.

So How is the Ultimate Reset Going?

Day Three done and Day Four beginning. I can't say enough good things about it and it is a life change that so many people need. I say life change because it is not just a product but a whole lifestyle shift over 21 days and I am thrilled that I am blessed to be able to do it. If you are interested, and you owe it to yourself to at least learn about it, you should go to the website or to your store and see what it can do for you. You can also learn more about Ultimate Reset by clicking here.

Thanks for reading the newsletter and have an awesome day!


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