Team TOPSTONE Challenge To Change
Changing Lives To Achieve True Freedom
Team Topstone Challenge To Change Ultimate Reset Challenge Born To Run Running Challenge

Do You Have a Real "Why"?

When I was running this morning, I was thinking about how I had decided yesterday that I should just start doing a weekly call in every Tuesday evening at 9:00 PM ET. No, I wasn't thinking, "what was I thinking" but rather what was I going to say for 30:00 just in case no one called in (which could happen on a first call). Fortunately, on this very day, in SUCCESS On Demand, there is an article entitled, "How to Become a Sought-After Expert" that offers "5 tactics for becoming a recognized expert". So I read the article to bolster my confidence and all I need to do is to remember that I am not going to be talking about quantuum physics, but rather about health, fitness and making positive lifestyle choices. Since I have immersed myself in those topics over the last 20 years, I will have plenty to talk about.

After an overview of the purpose of the calls, I want to focus on one particular subject, though, and that is having a real "why" for change in your life. It also occured to me while I was running that if you are looking in the mirror and thinking, "I'm fat and I need to lose weight", although that is a why, you may need one more profound than that to be truly driven to get results. When you look around you, most people you see these days are overweight, out of shape and in some cases, just plain unhealthy looking. Why change if you are just like everyone else, right? In the ever so memorable scene in Crocodile Dundee, he says, when approached by muggers, "That's not a knife..." You don't want it to be the same with your why and realize, "That's not a why, this is a why..."

That's not a knife, this is a knife...

At the core of your "why", there has to be something that truly drives you to start, persevere, overcome challenges and never quit until you reach your goal. Once you are there, as you can see in the image at the bottom of the page, your goal isn't a destination, it is a way of life.

How To Be Fit, Healthy and Prosperous

My weekly call series is called How To Be Fit, Healthy and Prosperous and tonight's episode is "Do You Have a Real 'Why'"?

The phone number is (724) 444-7444 and the Call ID is 121448. You can log in on the computer and chat and ask questions on the phone by clicking here to go to I can also post links in the chat area, so it will be helpful to be logged in. The log in page will look like this:

TalkShoe Episode 1

I truly hope that you enjoyed this article. Is it time for you to become a Team Beachbody Coach so that you, too, can share the wealth of healthy information that is available to us to positively change other people's lives? If it is, then click here to learn more.

Thanks for reading the newsletter and have a truly blessed day!


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  • Team TOPSTONE is an all Team Beachbody member group where we share information and articles and things of general interest to the group. Every Team Beachbody member of mine should already be a member and if you are not, then I need to add you.
  • Born To Run is my running group. You can't be a runner for over 45 years and not have a running group or be in a running group, so I started one awhile back and I would love to have more members.
  • Ultimate Reset Challenge To Change is my newest group and I just started it on Wednesday. It is where I chronicle day by day the 21 day program and my progress. It will also be a great resource for the future as more and more people do the Reset. I also answer lots of questions in that group.
  • Shakeology Challenge To Change is a place where we exchange recipes, ideas and how drinking Shakeology has benefitted us. It is also the place where I was dared to try avocado in my Tropical Shakeology and found out that it tasted totally awesome!
  • My very favorite group is our Challenge To Change 2012 group and that is a private group. It started out just like any other group but it has become a group of people that is so supportive and so inspiring to each other that I am very protective of the chemistry. You are more than welcome to be in it if you have a need for support and a willingness to give support. Just email me and I will add you.
Fit is Not a Destination
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