Are You
First of
all, greetings from Adventure Island! I am serving all week as a "Park Guide"
to eight great second graders out of a group of well over 600 kids. Wish you
could be here. We are having a blast!
Now, back to the
subject of the newsletter, "Are You Connecting?"... No, not
connecting with me on
Facebook, although I think that would be such a great idea so that I can
help you on your health and fitness journey with the direct connection that we
would have, but rather in mind and body? In the article, "Mind Body
Connection", author Sally Deneen urges us to, "Become aware of ways your mental
and physical fitness affect each other to achieve greater well-being, health
and intellect." Here is her article in its entirety from SUCCESS On Demand in
our Team Beachbody Coach Offices:
Nutrition and
exercise boost mood and brain power. An angry disposition can bring on
back pain. A positive attitude can aid in recovery from disease. Stress can
kill you.
Think your mind
and body arent connected? Think again. And read on.
Denis Waitley
advises athletes, astronauts and CEOs on how to make the most of the mind-body
connection to give them a mental edgea vital edge. As the former head of
psychological training for the U.S. Olympic team, Waitley helped athletes
sharpen their focus with a routine that begins by saying: Im
relaxed, focused and feel great. My muscles are well-trained and powerful. My
lungs are strong and clear. My stomach is warm.
Athletes also
recite to themselves a few upbeat trigger words just before an event. So a
gymnast preparing for the vault might think, speed, explode, rotate,
plant, which tells her body to run down the runway, fully extend on the
side of the horse, rotate in air and nail the landing brilliantly.
Thats the
opposite of telling yourself: I hope I dont fall. I hope I
dont get nervous. Im getting an upset stomach. The floor exercises
are distracting. Or what a coach years ago told a figure skater: Get
tough, get firm, bear down, dont fall. A bad mistake, Waitley says.
be like telling a high-wire walker: Dont fall. Very windy, windy
day. No net. Rememberno net. That would make you immediately
tighten up.
All of these
negative thoughts might be going through an inexperienced persons mind.
Waitley calls them ANTsabstract negative thoughts.
Theyre like ants at a picnic, distracting and possibly ruinous even
though they should be of little consequence. We live in a society crammed
full of these abstract negative thoughts, he says. Thats why
its so important to relax, concentrate, focus, and then get this mindset
of a champion, this mental training going for you.
How Positive
Attitude Boosts Physical Health Attitude is everything. When you have a
positive attitude, there is a real commitment that you will perform at a much
higher level, says Dr. Michael Roizen, Cleveland Clinics chief wellness officer
and co-author with Dr. Mehmet Oz of the best-selling YOU series of books. And
remember, he says, you always get a do-over. You can always start right
Consider the nuns:
Researchers read the autobiographical essays of 180 U.S. nuns written back in
the 1930s and 40s when they were young (average age 22) and found that
those nuns who used optimistic verbiage went on to live longer livesan
average of seven years longer than more pessimistic nuns. Whats more, the
more adjectives and ideas they crammed into the final 10 sentences of their
autobiographies, the better their minds proved to be in old age.
Alzheimers disease was confirmed only in nuns whose writings were
relatively skimpy.
Optimists age well
and their health is unusually good, according to psychologist Martin
Seligmans book Learned Optimism, which notes, Literally hundreds of
studies show that pessimists give up more easily and get depressed more
often. One study found patients deemed pessimistic in a personality study
30 years earlier had a 19 percent increase in the risk of mortality. In a 2008
Duke University study, cardiac patients who were pessimistic about their
recovery were twice as likely to die early as those who were optimistic.
Journalist Norman
Cousins overcame a crippling disease in part by watching funny Marx
brothers movies and Candid Camera episodes and laughing out loud, all of
which created a positive scenario that fostered healing as described in his
1979 best-seller, Anatomy of an Illness as Perceived by the Patient.
Many studies show
that cancer patients who visualize healthy cells eating or taking over cancer
cells helps them battle certain forms of the disease. Many health professionals
encourage patients to use such visualization techniques.
Tips for nurturing
your inner optimist: I write three thank-you notes at night. Its
one of the last things I do whether at work or at home, Roizen says.
Start a gratitude journal to recall why youre grateful. (A bonus for you:
Fifteen minutes of daily gratitude can make stress hormones plummet, he
How Stress
Affects Your Health Were programmed to respond to challenges by fight
or flight, which was extremely useful back when the challenge was fleeing a
woolly mammothbut nowadays the stress response is dysfunctional, Roizen
explains. Your adrenaline pumps. Blood pressure goes up. The heart races. Again
and again.
Chronic stress is
a poison. Its toxicboth for the brain and the body. Its
generally the greatest ager of your body with far-reaching implications. It
stops neurogenesis (the creation of new brain cells) and increases the odds of
cancer, hormonal problems, gastrointestinal issues, depression and the aging of
arteries. Acute stress makes you think more clearly and get focused; chronic
stress brings migraines, tremors, headaches, anxiety and a six-fold increased
risk of heart attack. Nagging worries over unfinished tasks burn you out and
cause exhaustion.
Tips for
de-stressing: Meditate, develop close friendships, and, a favorite of
Roizens, feel empathy. When a motorist cuts off Roizen in traffic, he
imagines that poor guy is hurrying to work so he doesnt get fired or
rushing home to a wife in labor. Experiment with what relaxes you, as
theres no one-size-fits-all remedy. Find whatever refocuses your
attention and spend time on it.
Use your mind to
tell your body how to relax, as Dr. J.H. Schultz taught in the 1940s. Repeat
these phrases several times: My stomach is warm. My forehead
is cool. My breathing is relaxed and effortless. My
heartbeat is slow and regular. And then, Im at a peace and
Im relaxing. These all are opposite of how your body feels when
youre anxious, as when the fight-or-flight response sends blood to the
extremities. Waitley says Schultz discovered that simply by saying, for
example, My left arm is heavy and warm, instructs the body what it
should be feeling.
Tips for living
longer: If you make fivejust fiveadjustments to your life,
you can have a dramatic effect on your life expectancy and the quality of your
life, Roizen and Oz write in You: The Owners Manual. The five
things: control stress, control your blood pressure, dont smoke, exercise
30 minutes daily and eat healthy. Do these five things and in the next 10
years you will have just a 10 percent chance of dying or having to suffer
disability compared to a typical person your age. Well take that
Why Getting
Enough Sleep Is Critical Some surprises about sleep: Most weight-loss
diets wont work well if youre sleep-deprived, says sleep specialist and
clinical psychologist Michael Breus. You may be exercising religiously, doing
exactly what youre supposed to do, but still not lose weight because of lack of
sleep. Another thing: Not getting enough REM sleep sometimes may explain
certain types of memory issues, like when you walk into a room and forget why
youre there.
Its pretty
rare that people need eight hours of sleep, Breus says. A better number is 7.5
hours (which provides five full sleep cycles of 90 minutes each; its
toward the end of those cycles that the brain gets benefits). Some people may
actually feel best after six hours or even nine. But whatever your individual
needs, not getting enough sleep impacts your metabolism. Food wont be
digested appropriately.
Roizen says lack
of sleep also inhibits your bodys ability to make growth hormone, and
that impairs the growth and recovery of cells.
If you routinely
suffer the worst sleep, you may feel three years older than your actual age,
says Roizen, who has done extensive research into factors contributing to
aging, which hes published on his site. If you consistently
get the best sleep, you could feel three years younger.
Tips for a good
night: A pillow turns out to be a critical factor in how well you sleep, so one
of the easiest things you can do is get a new pillow, which should be replaced
every 18 months (some need replacement every year), Breus says. If you sleep on
your side, choose a pillow thats thicker. If you sleep on your back, get
a thinner pillow.
Count backward
from 300 by threes. It sounds crazy but it works, Breus says.
You cant think of anything else, but its so doggone boring,
so youre out like a light.
Switch to decaf
drinks by 2 p.m. daily. Caffeine can stay in your system up to 12 hours.
Tips for
snorersand suffering spouses: Snoring isnt only annoying; it could
be a sign of other issues like sleep apnea, especially for snorers who are
overweight, which is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular
disease, stroke, high blood pressure, arrhythmias, diabetes and sleep-deprived
driving accidents. But there are treatments, most commonly involving use of the
continuous positive airway or CPAP device. Talk to your doctor.
Tip for bedtime:
Set an alarm clock to ring for bedtime, Breus says. If you must awake at 6:30
a.m., count back eight hours. Set the bedtime alarm for 10:30 p.m. That allows
time to get ready for bed and get 7.5 hours of sleep. Otherwise, people tend to
get on the computer at night or watch TV, then look up at the clock and see
its late. They dont know where those hours went, Breus
My Wonderful Group of VBS
Kids!  |
I truly hope that
you enjoyed this article. Is it time for you to become a Team Beachbody Coach
so that you, too, can share the wealth of healthy information that is available
to us to positively change other people's lives? If it is, then
click here to learn more.
Thanks for reading the
newsletter and have a truly blessed day! |
Rich |
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- Born
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- Ultimate Reset Challenge To Change is my newest
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the 21 day program and my progress. It will also be a great resource for the
future as more and more people do the Reset. I also answer lots of questions in
that group.
- Shakeology Cafe is a place where we exchange
recipes, ideas and how drinking Shakeology has benefitted us. It is also the
place where I was dared to try avocado in my Tropical Shakeology and found out
that it tasted totally awesome!
- My very favorite group is
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group. It started out just like any other group but it has become a group of
people that is so supportive and so inspiring to each other that I am very
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