Bald Eagle Team Eagle
We Will Soar On Wings Like Eagles - Isaiah 40:31
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We Will Soar On Wings Like Eagles

President John F. Kennedy wrote, "The Founding Fathers made an appropriate choice when they selected the bald eagle as the emblem of the nation. The fierce beauty and proud independence of this great bird aptly symbolizes the strength and freedom of America."

After thinking long and hard about not only this newsletter, but also the Facebook group where we all meet and share ideas, inspiration and motivation, I decided to go with the symbol of the eagle and what all eagles must do - make the push so that they can soar.

My inspiration came from researching images and ideas revolving around strength, courage and endurance and although there have been great warriors and great symbols for these concepts, it is the eagle that must act in love and push her young out of the nest and make them soar.

Why do eagles build their nests at the top of the highest trees or on cliffs? For protection is the obvious answer, but also for their offspring to discover the gift of soaring.

Eagles discover the gift of soaring

For many of us, however, we want to soar but can't for whatever reason. Carl Sandburg said, "There is an eagle in me that wants to soar, and there is a hippopotamus in me that wants to wallow in the mud." If you are wallowing in something and it is holding you back, we will give you the push that you need to get over that fear and feel the thrill of soaring.

The Thrill of Soaring

How will you get over your fear of falling and your fear of failing? With The Push...

The Push

The Push can be the greatest gift that you ever give someone...

The Greatest Gift You Can Ever Give Someone

Please join the Team Eagle Facebook group today to start getting The Push and giving The Push to others. To watch the entire movie, "Even Eagles Need A Push", click on any image above.

Thanks for reading the newsletter and have a truly blessed day!


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