Team Freedom Challenge To Change
Changing Lives To Achieve True Freedom

"Walking In My Footsteps"

We are so fortunate in the Team Beachbody community to have such a great group of like minded people that share a deep seated desire to get healthier as well as a passion for helping others do the same. That is exactly how this opportunity began and it is its life blood and why it is flourishing now.

The willingness to support each other and keep each other accountable means that we meet people that are there for us and people that we are there for and bonds of appreciation and friendship are built.

Sometimes, if not many times, getting to know another person through coaching means being inspired or motivated or prompted to do more and greater things. Cale Dansbee came into my life much the same way that all of you did. He became a Team Beachbody member. But there was something that instantly set him apart from most of us because of where his footsteps had taken him in his life. Those footsteps lit a fire in him that not only lead him to become a member, but he also signed up right away as a coach - seeing the Team Beachbody coaching opportunity as a way to either keep people from following in his footsteps or if they are already there, to help them get on the path in life that his footsteps now fall on.

Cale Dansbee in His Own Words

"Somewhere around 1992, when I was stationed at the Keflavik Naval Air Station, in Keflavik Iceland (yep, I lived there and absolutely loved it for two amazing years), I started to put on weight. Slowly at first -- so slowly in fact, that I didn't really notice that I had already put on enough weight that part of my welcome package to Iceland, was a 'Welcome to the Fat-Boy Program' letter from the Air Force.

I look back at pictures of me from 1992 and think "what I wouldn't give to look like that guy again", even though that guy was fat by Air Force standards!

I tried to lose some weight while in Iceland, but upon arriving at my new duty station in Las Vegas, Nevada, I was again welcomed by the gloomy letter :( The Air Force keeps really good records and that isn't always a good thing :)

I'd like to say my life was hard, that I worked long hours, and bla bla bla, and didn't have the time to eat right and exercise, but that would be crap and we all know that. Instead, I'll just be straight up and say I worked the night shift and discovered that when you left the flight line at 11:00PM, you could still find beer and hot wings in Vegas!

Let's fast forward through the next handful of years when I moved to southern California.

Sometime in mid-2009, and at a whopping 240 pounds (I'm only 5'5" tall with an ideal body weight of 140-150), I decided it was time to change. I had applied for a life insurance policy to provide for my family should something happen to me, and I'm pretty sure the lab tech got 'iced caramel macchiato' when he drew my blood. The only numbers higher than my blood sugar, lipids, and cholesterol, were the rates for the insurance. Something had to change..."

Can you understand why someone like Cale can have a story that is so easy for so many to relate to? What do you think that Cale did? Nothing, something or everything that he could. You can click here (and I urge you to do so especially if you relate to this story) to read Cale's Team Beachbody profile or you can go to his website, if you need to read an inspiring story today that will get you motivated to change in a big way! Make sure when you do that you read, "What Drives Me". It is a life changing story...

Team Freedom Challenge To Change


Rich Dafter
Independent Team Beachbody Coach Howtobefit
Head Coach of Team Howtobefit
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