How Are You Going to Spend the Next 30 Days?
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I Dare You!

Over the past week, I've experienced some life changing moments. Early New Year's Day, on a cold morning as the sun was coming up over the Sandia Mountains, I took one step, heard a crack in my knee and couldn't take another step. By 8:00 am, I was in the ER, then had X-rays, was fitted with a brace and given crutches and I haven't been able to walk on that leg since without a brace or pain. I had an MRI today and in 2 - 3 days, when they send the results to the doctor, I will know more. One thing I do know is that my life was forever changed in that moment in time on various levels - including appreciating so much more how precious the gift of health and mobility is.

I Dare YouOn Saturday night, we began a 20 week series entitled, "I Dare You" at Calvary Albuquerque and it is based on the Book of Daniel. I have modeled my fitness ministry after the actual ministry of Pastor Skip Heitzig. He has, for the past 30 years, spent his life being a Bible teacher and using his ministry to help people with their spiritual growth.

Day after day, week after week, he has been a teacher - first to just a handful of couples who came to his apartment here in Albuquerque after he and his new wife, Lenya, moved here from California to start a church and now to a congregation of over 14,000. Our services are always the same, we learn from the book which he holds to be true in every word and he never waivers from his message of hope for all of us.

Today marks my sixth anniversary as a Team Beachbody Coach and I, too, never waiver from sharing the message of the hope that health and fitness can give to all of us. I preach unceasingly the benefits of regular exercise, good nutrition and making positive lifestyle choices. At first it was to just a handful of people, but before the end of this year, I will have 11,000 Team Beachbody members in my "congregation". I am incredibly proud to be a Team Beachbody coach and this opportunity to support, guide, motivate and lead has blessed me immeasurably.

I Dare YOU to do More...

Yes, I am going to dare you, just as our pastor is daring us - to be "distinct" as he said in his message this week and as he will challenge us in so many ways in the weeks to come. As he says, "Men and women of character will rise to meet a challenge."

I dare you to make healthy and positive choices this year

I dare you to lose weight if you need to and to keep that weight off

I dare you to put an end to your addictions, whatever they may be

I dare you to be the most that you can be in all aspects of your life

If you need help, I dare you to join my Simple Steps To Success 30 Day Challenge

If you need the means to get healthy and fit, I dare you to save money and optimize your chances of success with a Beachbody Challenge Pack

I dare you to enter The Beachbody Challenge with your transformation story and to win because it is so good

I dare you to get out of your comfort zone and help other people as you transform your life and become a Team Beachbody Coach like me.

I dare you to grow as a person, to prosper as a family and to help this great nation move forward with all of your positive efforts to make a difference

I dare you to be extraordinary...

The day has come, the time is at hand, and we must rise up as individuals, as communities and as a nation and meet the challenges of today with solutions that will benefit and change our world not only today, but also tomorrow and for decades to come. Be a part of the positive revolution for change. I dare you...

"Be Distinct" from the I Dare You Series

If you would like to watch the message from Pastor Skip Heitzig in its entirety, please click on the image below.

I Dare You To Be Distinct

Thanks for reading the newsletter and have a truly blessed day!

Do Everything for His Glory,

Rich Dafter
Independent Team Beachbody Coach Howtobefit
Head Coach of Team Howtobefit
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Phone:  505 463-8865

Join Our Plan Your Success 30 Day Challenge To Change

If you buy a Challenge Pack, then you need to get the guidance, support, accountability and motivation of a Challenge Group! Challenge Groups are 100% FREE and the only thing that you invest is your commitment to be worth it to do this for yourself.

Why Do It Alone?

What You Need to Do to the Plan Your Success 30 Day Challenge

  • Visit our "How Are You Going to Spend the Next 30 Days?" Facebook page.

  • "Like" the page and we will add you to our 30 Day Challenge Group and explain to you what is possible when you make a commitment to yourself for the next 30 days!

That is all there is to it. We can lead you to the promised land of health and fitness, now you have to take the next step.

How you spend the next 30 days is your choice...

Plan Your Success

The Future of Team Beachbody - The Company With the CEO that Doesn't Give Up

The Future of Team Beachbody

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Is it time for you to become a Team Beachbody Coach so that you, too, can earn while you learn, get into awesome shape and positively change other people's lives? If it is, then click here to learn more.

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Please join the Team Lean Facebook group today to start becoming a lean, fit, fighting machine! Overweight and out of shape? Who ya gonna call? Team Lean!

Overweight and out of shape?  Who ya gonna call?  Fatbusters!

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Sitting Around
Why Wait?
A Subdued Halloween
What A Waist
Part II: How to 'X' the Insanity Workout
Part I: How to 'X' the Insanity Diet
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and The Beast
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At No Extra Charge
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There's An App For That!
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Living Proof
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Peanut Butter Egg
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999, 1,000, 1,001
I Got Robbed
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Fitness, Simplified
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How Bad Do You Want It?
A Pack of Challenges
A Long Road Back
I Want To Pump You Up!
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"Walking In My Footsteps"
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of Freedom?
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Born To Lead
Don't Settle
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