Team Freedom Challenge To Change
Changing Lives To Achieve True Freedom

A Long Road Back

How many of you are facing a long road back? What do you see and feel every morning when you wake up? Are you grateful for your good health and the energy that you have to get through each day that comes from being fit and healthy?

Or do you wake up tired, not feeling well and not ready to face the day? Does the prospect of all of the things that you have to do in the day ahead leave you feeling discouraged and perhaps even depressed because you lost the body and the life that you once had?

In what seems like a lifetime ago, I used to wake up feeling rested, super healthy, super fit and ready to take on the day. Then I got hit in the face by the 2 x 4 of life and I had to take on unprecedented challenges that only my level of health and fitness allowed me to get through. Getting through things and how your life is on the other side, though, are two different things.

Stress, that silent disrupter of life and killer in some cases, took its toll. I all of a sudden had health issues that I didn't even know what they were. But the root cause was stress and now I am on a long road back with a destination that seems so far away and so daunting to get to.

Did you wake up today way too overweight for your body type? Do you have health issues related to diet, inactivity, obesity, stress or other lifestyle related reason? Are you on a long road back?

No matter the cause, if you face a long road back that seems to be endlessly uphill, then lets face our challenges together. My primary role as your coach is to give you support and provide accountability to you. My commitment to winning this latest battle that I am facing will never waiver and I want, on the road that my journey takes, to be there for you every step of the way.

Finish the Race Last week, I was messaging Brett Blake at the Beachbody headquarters in Santa Monica and he asked me about my profile picture. I said that it was symbolic and the most important thing about it are the words FINISH. The picture is from the 1995 Philadelphia Independence Marathon and I was coming back from a serious car accident when I ran it. I not only finished, but finished with a time that allowed me to qualify for the Boston Marathon.

I finished and reached my goal. That is what I want to happen to all of you who are facing challenges in life that are keeping you from reaching your goals. We can support each other and keep each other accountable. Let's put our feet on the road to our goal and never stop and never look back.

What's New

The keys to my recovery have been Shakeology and mixing up Beachbody workouts (or you can modify if you only have one) with Les Mills Pump, TurboFire and P90X2, so that I am always doing enough and never doing too much. My body has its own battle going on trying to heal. But fueling it with the most nutritious shake on the market and working out regularly is part of that healing and will work for you the same way that it is working for me.

Shakeology blog - In order to give you a place to learn more about Shakeology, I have created a new blog which will give you the insights and incentives that you need to try it and use it every day like I do. To visit the Shakeology blog, just click here.

Team Beachbody blog - I have also worked extensively on our Team Howtobefit blog so that it gives you a broad overview of what the Team Beachbody opportunity truly is and how much it can do for you to change your life and give you the quality of life you have always wanted and so deserve. To visit the Team blog, please click here

In closing...

Let's do this. Don't wait another day. Don't wake up tomorrow feeling worse than you did today because you aren't taking action. United we will succeed and together we will get better together. I want your success as badly as I want my own...

Team Freedom Challenge To Change


Rich Dafter
Independent Team Beachbody Coach Howtobefit
Head Coach of Team Howtobefit
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